We Have Nothing to Hide
Our annual Sustainability Report gives stakeholders a detailed overview of our corporate social responsibility activities, and allows us to track our progress. The latest report, for the period 2023, is available now.
Our annual Sustainability Report gives stakeholders a detailed overview of our corporate social responsibility activities, and allows us to track our progress. The latest report, for the period 2023, is available now.
ADA Cosmetics voluntarily reports to the CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project), from whom we received a score of C in 2022. The detailed score report from the CDP allows us to not only monitor our progress in decarbonization, but also further improve our performance in the future. Our next CDP reporting will be done in 2024 on year 2023 achievements.
In 2024, our sustainability management system was awarded a gold medal by EcoVadis, a provider of the world’s most trusted business sustainability ratings. By measuring our performance against international criteria, we ensure that we meet the highest standards and continue to lead the hotel cosmetics industry in sustainability.
The Green Key International is an international eco-label awarded to accommodation and other catering establishments committed to sustainable business practices. The labeled establishments fulfill strict criteria, independently verified through regular on-site audits. Thanks to our Cradle to Cradle Certified® Silver certification, all our brands follow the recommendations of The Green Key International. We are proud that our products are recognized by two of the most prestigious certifications in the industry and beyond.
We are setting new standards for sustainability in hotel cosmetics. We are the first and only hotel cosmetics manufacturer whose entire product portfolio is Cradle to Cradle Certified®. Based on scientific criteria, the Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard is one of the most ambitious sustainability certifications in the world.
Products that receive this award must satisfy an independent third-party assessment center in five categories: Material Health, Product Circularity, Clean Air and Climate Protection, Water and Soil Stewardship, and Social Fairness. All of the products in ADA Cosmetics’ current portfolio have received Cradle to Cradle Certified® Silver.
Trees are necessary water reservoirs and contribute to carbon sinks as well as biodiversity. As essential climate and environmental protectors, primeval forests safeguard life on our planet.
To protect them, ADA Cosmetics has therefore now joined the Pack4Good and CanopyStyle Initiative of Canopy, an international environmental organization. Canopy works with 750 companies worldwide to protect vital forest ecosystems. The goal is to establish environmentally friendly solutions for packaging and viscose production in the supply chain. ADA Cosmetics, too, has committed to reducing packaging and purchasing paper and textile fibers only from responsible sources.
ADA Cosmetics’ Pack4Good and Canopy Style Policy (PDF)
We provide regular updates and information on the progress of our Ethical Trade and Environmental Sustainability Programme. We make public statements on certain commitments such as the Modern Slavery Act and share reports detailing the progress we are making in certain areas of our programme. These include how we are working towards particular commitments, and what steps we are taking to address a specific issue. Some reports are written in response to a group’s request for information, whilst others are more regular, such as our annual report to the Ethical Trading Initiative.
The aim of the ‘Modern Slavery Act 2015’ is to tackle human trafficking and modern slavery. For businesses, the Act states that any organisation in the UK with a turnover of over £36m is required to publish an annual statement setting out what steps it has taken during its financial year to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in its own business and its supply chains.
If an employee or any stakeholder reports wrongdoing that they believe is in the public interest, it is known as “whistleblowing”.
Whistleblowing examples can include criminal activity, such as theft or unethical or unjust behavior in the workplace, including racist, sexist or homophobic behavior, or detection of any non-compliance issues following our formal Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption and all human rights expectations as laid out in our Human Rights Policy.
To comply with the Whistleblower Protection Act, ADA Cosmetics now allows any person who would like to report a wrongdoing to use a special online channel. We are using a system called COMPLIANCE.ONE: https://ada-cosmetics.compliance.one
Several hotlines are also available:
+442030068820 (English: for Europe)
+498914379852 (German)
+12245071765 (English: for Americas)
+420910921021 (Czech)
All ADA Cosmetics stakeholders are allowed to use this platform to report any wrongdoing they might have detected.
You can also read our Whistleblowing policy available downloadable below.