Acompáñenos los días 18 y 19 de septiembre de 2024 en el stand 210 del Centro de Convenciones de Miami Beach. Presentaremos nuestros últimos productos e innovaciones adaptados al vibrante mercado de Miami. No se pierda la oportunidad de explorar nuestras ofertas de primera mano. Estaremos encantados de recibirle.
Gracias a todos los visitantes
¡Para grandes debates, nuevos contactos y un tiempo inspirador en el IHS Miami!
Nos complace presentarle una innovación revolucionaria en cosmética hotelera: Refillution de ADA Cosmetics. Diseñada teniendo en cuenta las necesidades de la industria hotelera, nuestra máquina de rellenado está llamada a transformar su forma de gestionar los cosméticos, ofreciendo beneficios sustanciales para su negocio, sus huéspedes y el medio ambiente.
Al cambiar a Refillution, su hotel puede reducir el coste de los cosméticos en un impresionante 20%. Esto supone un importante ahorro sin comprometer la calidad de los productos que ofrece a sus huéspedes.
Refillution no es sólo ahorro; es mejora de la eficacia operativa. Nuestra máquina de rellenado simplifica el proceso de limpieza, lo que permite a su personal trabajar de forma más eficiente y dedicar más tiempo a crear una experiencia excepcional para los huéspedes.
La sostenibilidad está en el corazón de Refillution. Al rellenar en lugar de sustituir, puede reducir los residuos plásticos hasta en un 95% en comparación con las pequeñas porciones tradicionales de productos cosméticos. Se trata de un paso notable para reducir la huella medioambiental de su hotel y alinearse con los objetivos globales de sostenibilidad.
Perfección técnica en un diseño moderno
Descubra el dispensador SmartCare de ADA Cosmetics en SHOW MIAMI: 100% higiénico, totalmente reciclable y diseñado para la perfección moderna.
Mantente al día de las últimas tendencias, productos y colecciones de ADA Cosmetics.
La calidad y profundidad de nuestra cartera garantiza que cada cliente hotelero pueda seleccionar una colección de amenities que no sólo refleje perfectamente su identidad, sino que también enriquezca y eleve la experiencia diaria de sus huéspedes. Descubra marcas para cuatro tipos distintos de hoteles: Beauty & Wellness, Lifestyle & Design, Game Changer y On Invitation.
Con los productos cosméticos adecuados en el baño del hotel, sus huéspedes disfrutarán de momentos de bienestar que llevarán su experiencia con usted al siguiente nivel.
Le ofrecemos la colección perfecta para su hotel, ya sea elegida de nuestra cartera de marcas o personalizada individualmente según sus necesidades. Esto contribuirá a una estancia inolvidable en su propiedad.
Le invitamos a sumergirse en el mundo de ADA Cosmetics con esta revista y catálogo de productos.
ADA Cosmetics a tu lado: con nuestras ubicaciones de ferias en todo el mundo
Espero encontrarte allí
Contact worldwide
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- Zimbabue
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
General Manager
Mr Florian Mitterhuber
General Manager Austria / Suisse / Italy
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Unterdorf 5
6473 Wenns
Tel: +43 54 14 864 47
Fax: +43 54 14 864 48
Vorarlberg, Tirol
Herr Christian Hörtl
Area Sales Manager
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Unterdorf 5
6473 Wenns
Tel: +43 54 14 864 47
Fax: +43 54 14 864 48
Wien, Burgenland, Niederösterreich
Mr Florian Mitterhuber
General Manager Austria / Suisse / Italy
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Unterdorf 5
6473 Wenns
Tel: +43 54 14 864 47
Fax: +43 54 14 864 48
Salzburg, Oberösterreich, Steiermark, Kärnten, Osttirol
Herr David Klaudrat
Area Sales Manager
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Unterdorf 5
6473 Wenns
Tel: +43 5414 86 447
Fax: +43 54 14 864 48
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr André Roeske
Senior Vice President Sales
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Rastatter Straße 2A
77694 Kehl
Tel: +49 7853 898 467
Fax: +49 7853 898 9 467
PLZ Region Süd
54, 55, 56, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 97
Herr André Reichenbach
Verkaufsdirektor Deutschland Süd
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Rastatter Straße 2A
77694 Kehl
Tel: +49 7853 898 466
Fax: +49 7853 898 9 466
Mr Carlo Braun
General Manager Benelux
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Rastatterstraße 2A
77695 Kehl
Tel: +49 7853 898 474
Fax: +49 7853 898 9 474
Mr Andrej Žehelj
Director of Sales South East Europe
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Andrej Žehelj
Director of Sales South East Europe
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Andrej Žehelj
Director of Sales South East Europe
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Miloš Morávek
Sales Manager
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Strandvejen 100
2900 Hellerup
Tel: +45 36 77 80 08
Regions I
Cataluña, Canarias, Baleares, Aragon, Ceuta, Mellila, Andorra
Mrs May Aznar
Sales Manager
ADA Hotelcosmetic S.L.U.
World Trade Centre Edificio Sur, 2a Planta Muelle
08039 Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 344 32 54
Fax: +34 93 344 32 99
Regions II
Madrid, Extremadura, Andalucia, Murcia, Valenciana, Castilla la Mancha, Rioja, Euskadi, Navarra, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria
Herr Pablo López
Verkaufsleiter Spanien
ADA Hotelcosmetic S.L.U.
Calle Provenza, 278, 1BIS 1ª
08008 Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 344 32 54
Fax: +34 93 344 32 99
Mr Andrej Žehelj
Director of Sales South East Europe
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Miloš Morávek
Sales Manager
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International Scandinavia A/S
Strandvejen 100
2900 Hellerup
Tel: +45 36 77 80 08
General Manager
Mr Dominique Pisan
General Manager France
Tour Sébastopol 3 quai Kléber
67000 Strasbourg
Tel: +33 3 88 60 18 12
Fax: +33 3 88 61 56 53
Key Account Manager
Frau Marie-Noëlle Charoy
Key Account Managerin
Tour Sébastopol 3 quai Kléber
67000 Strasbourg
Tel: +33 3 88 60 18 12
Fax: +33 3 88 61 56 53
Frau Carole Lopez
Commerciale | Regional Sales Manager France Nord
Tour Sébastopol 3 quai Kléber
67000 Strasbourg
Tel: +33 3 88 60 18 12
Fax: +33 3 88 61 56 53
Sud-Est et Corse
Herr Olivier Gabillat
Verkaufsleiter Frankreich Süd-Ost
Tour Sébastopol 3 quai Kléber
67000 Strasbourg
Tel: +33 3 88 60 18 12
Fax: +33 3 88 61 56 53
Mrs Delaine Walker
Regional Sales Director UK
ADA Cosmetics International Ltd.
Trinity Gardens
9-11 Bromham Road
Great Britain
Tel: +44 1234 347 140
Fax: +44 1234 346 480
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Andrej Žehelj
Director of Sales South East Europe
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Customer Service
Office Bedford
ADA Cosmetics International Ltd.
9-11 Bromham Road
Great Britain
Tel: +44 1234 347 140
Fax: +44 1234 346 480
Customer Service
Ms Marina Melmer
Head of Project Italy
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Unterdorf 5
6473 Wenns
Tel: +43 54 14 864 47
Fax: +43 54 14 864 48
Mr Thomas Tschimben
Prima GmbH
Via Luis Zuegg Strasse 40
39100 Bozen
Tel: +39 0471 637524
Fax: +39 0471 637678
Trading Partner
Cristiano Scaramucci
Albatros S.r.l.
Street Zante 14
20138 Milano
Tel: +39 02 58019496
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Carlo Braun
General Manager Benelux
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Rastatterstraße 2A
77695 Kehl
Tel: +49 7853 898 474
Fax: +49 7853 898 9 474
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Andrej Žehelj
Director of Sales South East Europe
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Andrej Žehelj
Director of Sales South East Europe
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International Scandinavia A/S
Strandvejen 100
2900 Hellerup
Tel: +45 36 77 80 08
Mr Carlo Braun
General Manager Benelux
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Rastatterstraße 2A
77695 Kehl
Tel: +49 7853 898 474
Fax: +49 7853 898 9 474
Mr Waldemar Tkaczyk
Director of Sales Poland
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Rastatterstraße 2A
77694 Kehl
Tel: +48 602 32 68 67
Fax: +48 618 15 70 39
Mr Pablo López
Regional Sales Manager
ADA Hotelcosmetic S.L.U.
World Trade Centre Edificio Sur, 2a Planta Muelle
08039 Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 344 32 54
Fax: +34 93 344 32 99
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Andrej Žehelj
Director of Sales South East Europe
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International Scandinavia A/S
Strandvejen 100
2900 Hellerup
Tel: +45 36 77 80 08
General Manager
Mr Florian Mitterhuber
General Manager Austria / Suisse / Italy
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Zählerweg 6
6300 Zug
Tel: +41 41 726 82 96
Fax: +41 41 726 82 97
Genf, Genfersee – Waadtland, Schweizer Mittelland, Watch Valley Freiburg, Berner Oberland, Basel + Aargau, Zentralschweiz, Wallis
Herr Joel Striegel
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Zählerweg 6
6300 Zug
Tel: +41 41 726 82 96
Fax: +41 41 726 82 97
Tessin, Zürich Downtown, Ostschweiz + Liechtenstein, Graubünden
Mr Florian Mitterhuber
General Manager Austria / Suisse / Italy
ADA Cosmetics International GmbH
Zählerweg 6
6300 Zug
Tel: +41 41 726 82 96
Fax: +41 41 726 82 97
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Paul Weber
Vice President of Sales
ADA International Canada Inc.
12-1940 KLO Road
Kelowna, BC V1W 5N8
Tel: +1 705 801 6002
Fax: +1 847 297 1535
Mr. Hans Vriens
General Manager
ADA International USA Inc.
One Oakbook Terrace, Suite 812
Oakbrook Terrace, Oakbrook
60181 USA
Tel: +1 847 297 5105
Mr Antony Chapman
General Manager Sales APAC
ADA Far East Limited
Unit 2501-6, Peninsula Tower, 538 Castle Peak Road
Kowloon Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3915 1000
Fax: +852 3909 4500
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Antony Chapman
General Manager Sales APAC
ADA Far East Limited
Unit 2501-6, Peninsula Tower, 538 Castle Peak Road
Kowloon Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3915 1000
Fax: +852 3909 4500
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Antony Chapman
General Manager Sales APAC
ADA Far East Limited
Unit 2501-6, Peninsula Tower, 538 Castle Peak Road
Kowloon Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3915 1000
Fax: +852 3909 4500
Mr Antony Chapman
General Manager Sales APAC
ADA Cosmetics Trading Ltd.
Room 1701, Building A, Poly Central Pivot Plaza, No. 157, Linhe West Road, Tianhe District
Guangzhou P.R.C
Tel: +86 20 3825 1186
Fax: +86 20 3825 1189
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Antony Chapman
General Manager Sales APAC
ADA Far East Limited
Unit 2501-6, Peninsula Tower, 538 Castle Peak Road
Kowloon Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3915 1000
Fax: +852 3909 4500
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Antony Chapman
General Manager Sales APAC
ADA Far East Limited
Unit 2501-6, Peninsula Tower, 538 Castle Peak Road
Kowloon Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3915 1000
Fax: +852 3909 4500
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Antony Chapman
General Manager Sales APAC
ADA Far East Limited
Unit 2501-6, Peninsula Tower, 538 Castle Peak Road
Kowloon Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3915 1000
Fax: +852 3909 4500
Mr Antony Chapman
General Manager Sales APAC
ADA Far East Limited
Unit 2501-6, Peninsula Tower, 538 Castle Peak Road
Kowloon Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3915 1000
Fax: +852 3909 4500
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mrs Bibi Pay
Customer Service Manager
ADA Cosmetics International Sdn.Bhd.
Kilang B,Lot 87133 & Lot 130428,
Jalan Canang Emas 8/KS10,Telok Gong
42000 Pelabuhan Klang,Selangor
Tel: +603 3167 6989
Mr Antony Chapman
General Manager Sales APAC
ADA Far East Limited
Unit 2501-6, Peninsula Tower, 538 Castle Peak Road
Kowloon Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3915 1000
Fax: +852 3909 4500
Mr Stefan Schmidt
Business Development Director
ADA International s.r.o
Podlesí 53
534 01 Holice
Tel: +420 466 681 701
Fax: +420 466 681 702
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Antony Chapman
General Manager Sales APAC
ADA Far East Limited
Unit 2501-6, Peninsula Tower, 538 Castle Peak Road
Kowloon Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3915 1000
Fax: +852 3909 4500
Mrs Taranee Supadirekkul
Customer Service Manager
ADA Cosmetics International (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
111/1 Soi Sukhumvit 55 (Thonglor)
Bangkok 10110
Tel: +66 (0) 2715 0245
Fax: +66 (0) 2715 0249
Mr Antony Chapman
General Manager Sales APAC
ADA Far East Limited
Unit 2501-6, Peninsula Tower, 538 Castle Peak Road
Kowloon Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3915 1000
Fax: +852 3909 4500
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
Mr Robert Dupree
General Manager
ADA Pacific Direct General Trading L.L.C.
Office 106, Bldg. 7, Gold & Diamond Park
PO Box 282874 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 8920
Fax: +971 4 341 8921
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